Every now and them, I hear some programmer complain that a given piece of code uses blocking I/O. The claim is typically that blocking I/O damages the responsiveness of applications, especially if it has a user interface. Hence, solely non-blocking I/O should be used, along with polling (poll() or select()) or an event handling framework (glib, Qt, etc).
I can sympathize with the goal of improving applications responsiveness. But that is not an excuse for mixing up blocking with sleeping. Blocking is just one of several ways to sleep. In particular, non-blocking operations can sleep. Indeed turning non-blocking mode on for a file descriptor will not prevent sleeping in all possible cases, but only one (or two) of them - depending how you count.
Blocking mode refers to one specific and well-defined sort of sleep: waiting until a file descriptor can be written to or read from. What that precisely means depends on the type of the underlying file.
or readdir_r()
As such polling is not defined by the specifications
and it would be of no use even if it were.
Also writing to directories is not allowed at all.
Reading from a regular file might take a long time. For instance, if it is located on a busy disk, the I/O scheduler might take so much time that the user will notice that the application is frozen.
Nevertheless, non-blocking mode will not fix it. It will simply not work. Checking a file for readability or writeability always succeeds immediately. If the system needs time to perform the I/O operation, it will put the task in non-interruptible sleep from the read or write system call. In other words, if you can assume that a file descriptor refers to a regular file, do not waste your time (or worse, other people's time) in implementing non-blocking I/O.
The only safe way to read data from or write data to a regular file
while not blocking a task... consists of not performing the operation
- not in that particular task anyway.
Concretely, you need to create a separate thread (or process),
or use asynchronous I/O (functions whose name starts with aio_
Whether you like it or not,
and even if you think multiple threads suck, there are no other options.
An alternative, of course, involves reading small chunks of data at once, and handling other events in-between. Then again, even reading a single byte can take a long time, if said byte was not read ahead by the operating system.